Thursday, August 23, 2012

First stop...The Greek House: Norman, OK

A couple of days ago M, C, B-Ri and I visited The Greek House in Norman, OK. I guess you should know that M = Meghan, C = Clare, B-Ri = Brian and I = Kate. I don't think we came up with these super-secret, creative nicknames to be more like Gossip Girl, but I do think they arose out of necessity. The necessity of needing something easy to say and remember if one's short-term memory were challenged by the presence of several delicious adult beverages. Namely boxed wine. At any rate, the four of us set off to dine at The Greek House and eat in the presence of Greek people...somehow I feel that this makes the experience more real and satisfying. It's sort of like, "Well, it must be good if actual Greek people own it and eat there, right?!" Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what that means. Anyway, you'd be surprised to know that there is a decent Greek scene in Okc. The Greek House is one of four (you heard right!) gyro-serving restaurants in the least that I know of but I guess there could be others, which is why we started this blog - to discover them! Each restaurant has their own unique menu with french fries as a side item. This reminds me of when I went to Paris in high school. Every meal we ate consisted of chicken and french fries. It's as if people outside the United States assume that all we eat is something served next to fries. I blame McDonalds. I certainly don't eat french fries with every meal...except I did order some at The Greek House because, for some reason, the Greeks seem to know how to make a damn good fry! Go figure. Annnyyyywaaaayyy, I kept it simple and ordered the gyro sandwich. I think the meat was of better quality than what I've found at a couple of the other restaurants but the yogurt sauce wasn't as good as I've had other places. It was much thicker and less cucumbery than I prefer. Sad face. The pita was totes delish, though, which made up for the lacking sauce and the prices were definitely reasonable. Happy face. All of this tasty food was intermingled with lively conversation that, from what I recall, mostly revolved around us wanting to be queens or princesses. Yes, B-Ri led this discussion. No just kidding. He was involved only in the sense that M was upset with him for not having been born into royalty. He apologized and we moved on. They're so perf for each other it's presh. In the end, I think we decided the only way M could be a duchess is to change her facebook name to include the word Duchess and decide on what she wanted to be the Duchess of. The moral of the story being that we all love Kate Middleton and want to be her, of course. She's gorgeous and just plain awesome. We're pretty convinced that if we were to meet her she would instantly welcome us into her inner-circle of close friends based solely on our classiness but would soon realize she also loved that we're fun. We came to this decision while M and C were telling me that the smells and flavors of The Greek House would be with me for the rest of the evening. I shall not elaborate on this lest my classy card be taken away. Just know that if The Greek House weren't so tasty we'd of had a picture of our food to show you and not just a picture of the sign. We scarfed it down so quickly that by the time I remembered to get my camera out, all that remained was four baskets of tinfoil, plastic cups and napkins. All that was missing was a Bota Box and some Arrested Development, which we promptly headed home to enjoy. Life. Is. Good.

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