Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Uno, Dos, Tecate!

At least, I'm pretty sure that's how it goes. Especially when you've had like 4 of them! Let me take you back to where this story first began. A and I decided we shouldn't just eat we should also exercise...a novel idea, I know. Anyway, she and her hubs, K (yes, his name is simply "K"...no not really it's Kyle a.k.a Upgrayed - if you've seen Idiocracy you'll catch the reference :)), are very adventurous so she just so happens to have this Oklahoma Hiking Trails book that tells of the glorious trails and places you'll go if you just take a quick drive to any one of the many outdoor sanctuaries that exist in our great state. Turns out, the book is right! I had no idea all of these trails existed! I've always been a Hefner kind of girl but Hefner is flat and concrete. This book takes you to wooded areas with dirt paths and "rugged" terrain. A wanted to check out the Bluff Creek Trail, or as she called it the Bluff Crail Treek, which is right by Lake Hefner. And so we did. Side note: A drove this time to try and learn her way around the city a bit. Side note #2: A struggles to stay in the lines when parking Mango Tango. Side Note #3: I'm not sure why.

It was beautiful in both scenery and weather! We could not have picked a more perfect day! It was just right for sweatshirts but when we started moving around and walking we didn't perspire like you would on most other Oklahoma days with any kind of sun, especially in the Summer. Anyway, save for a few bike riders on their mountain bikes, we were the only two out there and had the trail to ourselves. You do have to watch out for the bikers, though, because they sneak up on you quickly and it would probably smart a little if one were to run over you. Plus, you'd get mud all over you and who knows what creatures would be lurking beneath the surface of the leaves and rocks, etc. Heck, who knows what creatures are flying around you at any given moment! We were strolling along one of the paths when all of a sudden something brushed the side of my head near my right ear! Gasp! Luckily, I was wearing a hat so I had a protective layer between the unknown creature and my precious head. Upon retrospect, it was likely the leaf that was attached to the lowly hanging branch I had just walked by but still! One must always remember to look up when one is walking. Btw, A, this is where those helmets would have come in handy. Ha! You thought I was just being silly (or blonde) when I said, "Helmets required? Oh no, we don't have helmets!" as we entered the trail near the entrance sign that read that same warning. For those of you who are confused, the sign said helmets were required and I thought it was for everyone but really they are only required for the bikers. Go figure?!

Once we completed our hike we then were ready to eat. Alas, to the food! I feel like we're always eating but, then again, this is a foodie blog so what did I expect?! We mixed it up this time, though, and headed to Mustang to enjoy some Mexican food at Los Vaqueros. I always think of Mustang when I think of someplace to get authentic Mexican food. J/k it was actually really good. And inexpensive! And quick! I got the beef fajitas for one with a GIANT Tecate. I mean it really was big. It was the size of my head, or at least the size of A's head (her head is smaller than mine). I'm not a big beer drinker but A recommended I order a Tecate. Funny trend I'm noticing as I write this...I seem to wind up consuming 3-5 times more alcohol when I'm with A than when I'm with other MFLers. Example A: the pitcher at PonP. Example B: the 32oz Tecate from Los Vaqueros. Hmmmm. Interesting. It would seem that in addition to liking owls, sparkly/glittery items and sock monkeys, A also has an affinity for large drinking vesicles. I told you she's unique.

A ordered some enchilada plate known as El Jalisco (I think). I don't know what was on it but it looked delish. Both dishes came with your standard beans and rice, of course. Both of which were pretty good. The tortillas are thin and yummy and the chips, queso and salsa are also pretty tasty. Oh, and then we got the sopapillas. Totes yum! They aren't hollow inside like most others, which I really appreciated. They were doughy and sugary and lip-smacking good. Add a dollop of honey and you can't go wrong! Happy faces.

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