Sunday, February 10, 2013

Signed, Cain and Abel. Scratch that, just Cain.

Oh my...a little biblical humor to start a post. Good times. Honestly, it was one of the many shining, witty, LOL moments that occurred during the evening but it was so perfectly out of place, yet hilarious, that I had to make it the title. I'll get to the place where it came in to play a little later.

Last night, T, M, C and I went to Musashi's on Western Ave to celebrate T's 25th birthday for the 6th time. It was a little random that T chose Musashi's, I thought, b/c I always forget about it and she and M and C all live outside The City but it turned out to be a genius decision. Although quite expensive, every bite was lip-smacking delicious and every drink for the glasses full of water that mostly served as condensation machines next to the super-hot hibachi grill where our delicious grilled veggies, meats and rice danced around before heaving themselves onto our plates via a spatula attached to the arm of an Asian man. And this place was hoppin' too. No surprise for a Saturday night in a pretty hip part of town where plenty of bars and restaurants reside. The cool thing about Musashi's is that it's kind of communal seating in that they fill up the seats around the grill and you're with your party but you may also be next to other parties so visiting is encouraged.

We happen to be seated next to a lovely couple who was celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. The wife's name was Gail but we never caught the husband's or son's name. The son was treating Gail and her husband to dinner for the anniversary...very sweet. Gail instantly became one of our besties on account of she told us we were more fun than her family and then she took a sake bomb shot with us. Oh, Gail, you crack me up. These sake bombs I speak of are dangerous, but yummy. You get a tumbler filled half-way with Saporo and a small shot glass of hot sake. You set the sake on two chopsticks and say the following chant, "Ichi nissan, sake sake bomb!" Upon saying the word "bomb" you are supposed to bang your hands on the table, separating the chopsticks and causing the sake shot glass to fall into the beer. It does in fact work but it also rains a fair amount of liquid onto the table and your pants. No bueno. We had two rounds of these bombs. Trouble. I didn't think my pants wouldn't survive a third round so we called it quits after two.

We also partook in two volcanoes (a giant, ceramic bowl filled with an assortment of liqueurs, ice and 4 giant straws), a few vodka sodas, a Thunder Struck, a dry, dirty, gin martini and vodka waters. Mind you, these drinks were split amongst the four of us not just one of us drinking all of the above! Now that would be silly. And irresponsible. We are neither, of course. At least, I don't think so...I can't really remember. M and I split the family style dinner for two (C and T did the same) b/c, for the price, it was a much better deal than each of us ordering our own dinner. It came with chicken, steak, shrimp, veggies and a big bowl of fried rice. We also each ordered a sushi roll and shared pieces with everyone else. C ordered the Lifesaver, T ordered the East LA, M ordered the Spider roll and I ordered the Volcano roll. Every roll was awesome! Seriously. And it was about 915 by this time so we were all starved and drunk so even more starved.

We probably could have and should have stopped after the rolls but we were there to celebrate T's birthday so instead we said, "Bring on more food and drinks, waiter Ryan!" Ryan was cute btw. We thought he had a hint of gay but never did get that cleared up. He was a really good waiter, though, and put up with our drunken, loud chatter and laughter. He was even a good sport when T somehow managed to break her martini glass with a nunchuck-like swing of her camera. It all happened so fast I'm not even sure she could do it again if she tried. It was like a flick of her wrist and the camera went flying but managed to cleanly break the glass without spilling any of her drink (genius) or damaging anything else around it. Amazing! We told her she should still finish her drink but for some reason she was reluctant on account of the possible shards of glass imitating ice chunks in the drink. Silly T, live life on the edge I say!

At the moment most of the funny quotes and one-liners said during the evening are escaping me, but trust me they were funny. We're hilarious for sure and whenever we get together we always laugh. A lot. And drink. A lot. But, again, not so much as to appear silly or irresponsible. At least, I don't think so...I can't really remember. So once din din was finished we headed back to the bar where the intent was to consume more alcohol and maybe some water. Neither happened, thankfully. Instead we just visited and laughed some more and this is where the aforementioned biblical humor came into play.

C stated twice during the meal that she was sort of kind of maybe dating this guy. The first time she mentioned it we were all atwitter with the fire blazing next to us on the grill and the presence of a veritable feast before our eyes that the comment sort of went overlooked. However, the second time she mentioned it we were all ready to really listen. We're such good friends. Anyway, from what I can recall, this is a guy she knew in 2nd grade. Maybe it was 5th? At any rate, he's from her childhood and they've reconnected. Long story short, he wears Affliction. And is apparently so enamored with the brand that he has a framed Affliction shirt. According to C it has been signed by some important and/or famous people but, still, how many people do you know have a signed Affliction shirt hanging in their home as artwork or a piece of pride and joy? This doesn't mean he isn't a super nice guy and if he makes C happy that's all that matters, right?! We then started joking around about who possibly could have signed said shirt to make it worthy of being framed and hung on a wall. Ed Hardy? God? Justin Bieber? Cain and Abel? Scratch that, just Cain. And thus the humorous biblical reference is explained. Phew. I knew you were on the edge of your seats just waiting to hear how that could have possibly made it's way into the conversation. We're just so witty and intelligent it's cray cray yo.

Alas, the evening came to a close and we all headed our separate ways. I hope T truly enjoyed herself and I'm so glad I got to be a part of her special evening. Can't wait to do it again for C's bday in April! And go to  Musashi's. It's delish!


C, T and M

Asian man with spatula arm tossing food



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