Friday, April 19, 2013

Kitchen-side Table for Three (and a half)...

Man oh man has it been too long! It took me like 15 minutes just to think of that title...and it isn't even very good! Shoot. I'm all rusty because I got all busy and what not and forgot to blog. It's not like we have very many followers but I'd like to think that we were gaining some notoriety and momentum only to be struck down in the prime of our blog life. Never fear, we have returned and with much fanfare and gusto. Or with very little fanfare and gusto just a lot of telling ourselves that so we feel better. Happy face.

A View from Inside

A couple of days ago, A, K2 and I met up for what was supposed to be brunchy poo at Kitchen No. 324. One of the hottest new eateries in downtown Okc. However, when we arrived we realized they stopped serving breakfast/brunch-related items at approx. 1030a. Sad face. Sooo brunchy poo became lunchy poo with a side of coffee - an ode to brunchy poo, if you will. Kitchen No. 324 is in an old building off Dean McGee and Robinson Ave downtown (can't remember the name at the mo) that has a lot of the old architectural details with updated fixtures and a fresh coat of paint. It serves american cafe/bistroey food with a lunch counter kind of feel. You order directly from the counter but then sit down and have a full-service waiter. Water is served chilled in giant, old milk bottle-looking bottles. They have a deliciously tempting array of apple fritters, brownies, danishes and muffins sparkling behind a glass window as you walk to your seat screaming out to be eaten while you wait for the real food to arrive. All three (and a half) of us ordered sandwiches...K2 got a grilled cheese with a homemade potato chip side. A and 1/2 got the BLT, which came with an avocado mayo in addition to a mountain of perfectly cooked bacon. I got the chicken salad sandwich, which was delightfully sweet and crunchy with a side salad of Israeli cous cous w/ feta and wild mushrooms. I know mine was delicious. I tried A's and it was delicious. A and 1/2 tried mine and agreed that it was delicious...although she almost didn't get to try it on account of her left-arm/hand super-human strength. I thought she had taken care of her mismatched arm sizes/strength after the Green & Grilled "closeted ambidextrian" post but as she went to bite into the piece I gave her it was as if she squeezed so hard it exploded! It like spewed chicken salad across the table and part of the bread flew to the other side of her plate! Luckily, no one was injured in this sandwich mishap and she was still able to cobble together enough of the pieces of the whole to deliver a verdict of tasty. Phew! K2 said his was delicious. And reasonably priced @ $38 for 3 sandwiches, a giant brownie, 2 sides and a coffee. And we'll definitely be going back for breakfast asap!

We left Kitchen No. 324 (with 7 minutes to spare on A's parking meter no less!) and headed to Penn Square Mall. A was in need of a dress(es), shoes, a bag, jewelry, makeup, perfume, mani/pedi...oh wait that's just me wishing and trying to convince her that she needs all of these things. It worked on me at least...I later bought a new bag from Aldo I didn't need and new hair products from Lush I did need. But A shows great reserve when shopping. Much better than I. I mean, yes, she does manage to grab approximately 8 to 175 different things to try on as she walks through a given section of whatever store we're in (this time it was Dillard's) but, in the end, she only ended up purchasing 3 of said 175 possible dresses. I applaud her for her frugality. Bravo! All three were soooo cute and made cheaper by the fact that she was harboring a gift card. As of this moment, I have decided that in the year 2048 I shall blog about A's use of coupons and gift cards. I mean it's as if she already has her own coupon and gift-card printing factory now I can only imagine what she'll be like when she's 70! I tell her all the time she's gonna be the greatest little old lady. This sentiment was confirmed when I later saw her wearing reading glasses (that are cute and young, but still) on her nose and occasionally interjecting some comment directed at her step-son and his friend like, "Hey, can you turn that down?" while flipping through Southern Living.

Anyway, she later caved and agreed that she might possibly need some shoes but kept lamenting about how she couldn't afford K2 stepped in. He took the shoes she was eyeing right up to the counter, asked for her size and then when she tried them on and they were freaking perfect he bought them for her. Is that how easy it is?! "I love these shoes. They'd be perfect with ALL of these outfits and they're just so cute! Oh but I can't afford them." Enter: Husband with money. I tried the same tactic on him but he just laughed at me. WTH?! I really wasn't kidding. There were some super cute shoes that really would look cute with ALL of my outfits and I really couldn't afford them. I gots to get me a husband asap! While he was paying I was lamenting about this with A and expressing my jealousy over her new-found pair of free shoes. All the while she was putting her old, existing shoes on the wrong feet. She didn't realize it until they were both on the wrong feet. Not just one. Both of them. I told her I wouldn't tell anyone but that was a lie. I immediately told K2 and the sales lady and anyone else in the vicinity who could hear me. We all got a good laugh out of it, even A.

All-in-all, I'd say it was another successful Thursdate. Great food, good laughs, good friends, cute clothes and accessories and free shoes. Get yourself to Kitchen No. 324 like yesterday. You'll be glad you did!

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