Monday, September 24, 2012

Three Fair Ladies...and B-Ri.

I know, the cleverness is ridiculous. We're part of My Fare Ladies and we went to the Fair and there were three of us so we're Three Fair Ladies. I know. It's awesome. Anyway, the three ladies to which I am referring are C, M and me (K). We thought we'd mix it up a bit and recount the evening through the eyes of the beholder. In other words, hang on to your hat you're going to get three stories about the events of the night and it ain't gonna be pretty. No, just kidding. The evening really was a blasty blast and I can't wait for you to hear from M and C! This will be their first official blog entry! Hip hip hooray!

First, let me (K) say I truly love the State Fair of Oklahoma. I think it is one of the most wonderful fall-time special occasions I attend. The people watching is unparalleled, the food is unbelievable (both in taste and concept) and the attractions (rides and booths) are disconcerting yet exciting. To think that a mere two weeks ago State Fair Park was but a concrete shrine that now plays host to fly-by-night roller coaster operations, game booths that peddle giant stuffed animals as prizes and more neon-lit shacks dispensing fried, doughy, chocolatey, meaty, sugary concoctions than one can imagine is pretty impressive. Yes, it is on a much smaller scale than some of the other state fairs I've been to but I like that about our fair. You don't get lost in the shuffle because it's one big circle. Just keep walking and eventually you'll find an exit. And if you start to panic, stop, take a breath and waltz on over to the nearest InFAIRmation booth where you'll be greeted by a friendly staff more than willing to point you in the right direction! Plus, how clever is the name...InFAIRmation?! It's totes brill.

Where to start?! Okay so we were there for a little over 4 hours I think?! Wow. That's a long time but we did have to fit in eating our weight in fair food, a visit to the smallest woman in the world booth, at least a dozen adult bevies and a couple of tours through a few of the buildings that housed everything from hot tubs to roasted nuts to wrestling masks and frozen wine mixes. All-in-all, I'd say 4 hours is probably a drop in the bucket. We probably could have spent all day there and still not seen everything there was to see and eaten everything there was to eat! I don't even think we'd really want to do that I mean I felt ill after having indulged in a cinnamon roll with nuts and frosting and a couple of fried cheese curds. Imagine eating a turkey leg, roasted corn, indian taco, curly fries, deep fried snickers and mashed potatoes, chocolate covered bacon, etc. I'm getting a tummy ache just writing this post!

Nevertheless, a fun time it was. We first hit up the Wine Garden. We felt that the evening should start out with a glass of vino, even though I did not partake in the vino so much as I did a cup of beer. Neither were very good but they had alcohol in them so we approved. We then set off to find something to eat. There are so many choices and each is relatively expensive so you must choose wisely. Plus, you always go in thinking you're gonna eat 5 different things and leave having consumed part of maybe 3 different things and needing someone to take you to your car in a wheelbarrow. Never fails. I'm going to skip all of the decision making and just tell you what we ended up eating/drinking...a cinnamon roll with pecans and frosting, fried cheese curds with jalapeno ranch, three corn dogs (one jumbo), one gyro, approximately 12 beers, 2 margaritas, fried cookie dough on a stick and 2 white wines. I can honestly tell you that every last one of those items was delicious. Well, except maybe the margaritas because they were really just lime-flavored shaved ice. Whatevs. Everything else was delicious and decadent and fattening and awesome.

So what is this small woman to whom I referred earlier you ask?! Well, she is one of the many "attractions" at the fair. If you are horrified at the thought of a human being an attraction then welcome to the club. We thought surely she couldn't be real. Perhaps they had some cartooney thing bouncing around back there or it was some other sort of stunt that lured you in to paying a buck only to steal it out from under you. We were okay with this but when we entered the booth, that contained only a wooden box and giant fan, we were horrified to find a real woman sitting in the box! She had a tiny chair and a tiny lcd screen on which she could watch tv, sure, but she was still basically a little person on display for fair-goers to gawk at and listen to her poor story! Awful. Just terrible. I do not approve of this particular attraction.

After that depressing turn of events we needed more booze. We sauntered off to find some and came across a booth that served "Sloppy Tecates" and "Messy Modelos." I got a Sloppy Tecate, which is basically a Tecate poured into a plastic cup rimmed with salt and a lime. I assume the Messy Modelo entails much the same in the way of add-ons. Tasty enough for a $4.50 price tag. Much better than the $7.25 lime slushy. Oh, wait, I mean margarita.

So I think I'll sign off for now. I'm going to let M and C regale you with their tales and then I'll come back at the end to sum it all up. In the meantime, here are some pics for you to enjoy...

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